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Showing posts from July, 2020

Plugins SortOrder and Limitations in Magento2

Plugins SortOrder and Limitations in Magento2 In the previous blog , we’ve discussed how to declare plugins and what are the types of plugins.  In this blog, we will focus on plugin sort order and limitations of plugins in Magento2.  Plugin SortOrder Plugin sort order is used to decide the priority of executions when multiple plugins are listening to the same method. And if more than one plugin is listening to the same method but doesn’t add sort order or maybe the same sort order then the execution will be decided on component load order by the sequence tag of module.xml and area of plugins.    Sort order works in lower to higher when used in before method and higher to lower when works in after methods. Around plugins execute before the before plugin when around plugin have lowest sort order then before plugin.  Let’s take an example to understand this:-  Order to execute plugins -  Before plugins  Around plugins chaining  After plugin...

Plugins in Magento2

Plugins in Magento2 Unlike Magento1, Magento2 introduces a whole new concept of Plugins or Interceptor. A plugin or interceptor is used to change the behaviour of the method of any class without affecting the actual class. This is a very powerful way to customize the core classes of Magento2.  Plugins are one of the customization methods in Magento2. In plugins, there is a design pattern called “Interception” which means “Inserting code dynamically without changing original class behaviour” and this is what plugins exactly do in Magento2. Plugins modify the behaviour of a plugin class function by intercepting a function call and adding code before, after and around that function’s call.  Plugins are used with public methods only.  Declaring Plugins To declare plugins in Magento2, we have to create di.xml according to the specific area.  Create di.xml inside Vendor/Module/etc for global.   < config >     < type name = "{ObservedTy...